Headshot of Tara Chiatovich, Ph.D. Senior Cognitive Learning Data Scientist, RethinkEd

Tara Chiatovich, Ph.D.

Senior Data Scientist

Dr. Tara Chiatovich is a Senior Data Scientist at RethinkFirst where her analytic work includes choosing optimal metrics to understand how individuals progress toward their goals and embedding advanced analytics in products to drive engagement. She is passionate about explaining complicated statistical ideas in a way that anyone can understand so that all stakeholders can reap the benefits of findings from the data.

Dr. Chiatovich comes to RethinkFirst from Panorama Education, where she was Senior Research and Data Scientist. In this role, she led onboarding and creating research-backed surveys; informed product design to align with best practices in research; and investigated links across distinct facets of students' learning and development.. Prior to working in industry, she served as Research Scientist for an early learning study at Harvard and as Data Specialist in an urban school district through the Strategic Data Project. Dr. Chiatovich holds an Ed.M. in International Education Policy from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Developmental and Psychological Sciences from Stanford University.

In her off time, Dr. Chiatovich enjoys watching French TV, going for early morning walks, and playing her cello. She lives in the Boston suburbs with her family of four and their lap cat, Eevee